Searching for appointments

Searching for appointments

Searching in patient browser

  1. To search for an upcoming appointment, do one of the following:

    • On the Patient browser tab, open the patient's file.

    • On the Patient browser tab, click on the desired patient.

  2. Click the Patient drop-down menu and select Find appointments

  1. The Find events dialog box appears, listing all the patient's upcoming appointments.

  2. To locate the appointment on the schedule, do one of the following:

    • Select an appointment in the list and click Show.

    • Double-click an appointment in the list.

Patients with an upcoming appointment are indicated with an icon within the Patient browser.

Searching in Orders toolbar button

  1. Click the Orders button on the main toolbar.

  2. On the Aid orders screen, right-click on an order.

The calendar icon in the Next appt. column indicates the patient has a future appointment on the schedule.

  1. Select Appointment details.

  2. To locate the appointment on the schedule, do one of the following:

    • Select an appointment in the list and click Show.

    • Double-click an appointment in the list.

Searching in recalls

  1. Click the Recalls button on the main toolbar.

  2. On the Recalls screen, right-click on a desired recall line item.

The calendar icon in the Next appt. column indicates the patient has a future appointment on the schedule.

  1. Select Appointment details.

  2. To locate the appointment on the schedule, do one of the following:

    • Select an appointment in the list and click Show.

    • Double-click an appointment in the list.

Searching in journal

  1. On the Patient browser tab, open the patient's file.

  2. Click the Journal tab.

Searching in schedule

  1. Click the Scheduling tab.

  2. On the schedule, click the Search icon at the top of the screen.

  3. In the Find events dialog box, enter the search text and specify the date range to search.

  4. Click Search.

  5. To locate the appointment on the schedule, do one of the following:

    • Select an appointment in the list and click Show.

    • Double-click an appointment in the list.


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