Setting up referral types and sources
Former user (Deleted)
Jessica Colaw
Bridget Fritzke
Viewing referrer types and referral sources
Click the Setup button on the main toolbar.
- Double-click Referrer types, or click the magnifying glass icon to the left to expand the menu. A list of primary referrer types appears.
- Click on a referrer type. A list of secondary referral sources appears in the right panel.
Creating new referrer types
Click the Setup button on the main toolbar.
Click on the Referrer types heading, and select Create new in the right-hand panel.
Select Create referrer type.
In the Create referral type dialog box, enter the Name/Description of the referrer type, and click CREATE.
Each referrer type must contain at least one referral source in order to be saved to a patient file. See: Creating new referral sources for more information.
Editing referrer types
Click the Setup button on the main toolbar.
- Click on the Referrer types heading.
- Highlight a referrer type from the list.
- Select Edit details.
- In the Edit referrer type dialog box, here are the following options:
- Edit the Name/Description of the referrer type as needed and click UPDATE.
- Unselect the active checkbox to deactivate this referrer type.
You cannot edit the Patient, Healthcare provider, or Marketing campaign referrer types.
Deleting referrer types
Click the Setup button on the main toolbar.
- Click on Referrer type heading.
- Select the referral type from the list and do one of the following:
- Select Deactivate.
- Select Edit referrer type, un-check the Active check box, and click UPDATE.
To reactivate a referrer type, right-click the deactivated referrer type (indicated with a red X), select Edit referrer type, check the Active check box, and click UPDATE.
Creating new referral sources
Click the Setup button on the main toolbar.
- Double-click Referrer types, or click the icon to the left to expand the menu.
- Click on a referrer type.
In the panel on the right, click CREATE NEW REFERRAL SOURCE.
When creating new referrals sources in the 'Healthcare provider types' referrer type, complete all the required fields to activate the Create button. Assign a physician from the list as a referral source and/or a Healthcare provider on the patient's Details tab. See: Selecting the patient's family physician for more information.
In the Create referral source dialog box, enter the Name/Description of the referral source, and click CREATE.
Editing referral sources
Click the Setup button on the main toolbar.
- Double-click Referral types, or click the icon to the left to expand the menu.
- Click on a referrer type.
In the panel on the right, select the desired referral source, and select EDIT DETAILS.
- In the Edit referral source dialog box, edit the Name/Description of the referral source as needed, optionally adjust the referrer type category to which the referral source belongs using the Referrer Type drop-down menu and cost.
- Click UPDATE.
The Visible for patients booking online checkbox will determine whether this referral source will appear as an option for appointments booked online.
Deleting referral sources
Click the Setup button on the main toolbar.
- Double-click Referrer type, or click the icon to the left to expand the menu.
- Click on a referrer type.
In the panel on the right, select the desired referral source, and do one of the following:
- Click DELETE.
- Click EDIT DETAILS, un-check the Active check box, and click UPDATE.
To reactivate a referral source, click on a referrer type, un-check the Show active items only check box at the op of the right panel. Double-click the deactivated source (indicated with a red X), or select the source and click EDIT DETAILS. Check the Active check box and click UPDATE.
For more information on assigning a referrer type and referral source to a patient file, see: Updating referral information.