Setting up services
Setting up services
Former user (Deleted)
Bridget Fritzke
Owned by Former user (Deleted)
Creating/Editing a service in Blueprint OMS, creates/edits the service automatically in QuickBooks.
Viewing the list of services
- Click the Setup button on the main toolbar.
- Double-click Pricing & Insurer coverage, or click the icon to the left to expand the menu.
Click Services.
A list of services appears in the Services panel and includes information such as description, CPT/HCPCS code, and price. Use the Quick Find field to type the first few letters of the item description to quickly locate the desired service.
Creating new services
- Click the Setup button on the main toolbar.
- Double-click Pricing & Insurer coverage, or click the icon to the left to expand the menu.
Click Services.
- In the Create service dialog box, enter the details of the new service:
- Name: The name of the service. The name must be unique - multiple items with the same name are not allowed in Blueprint OMS.
- Active: Indicates whether the service can be actively sold to a patient. This check box is usually selected, but you can uncheck it if a clinic decides to no longer offer the service.
- Service Group: This drop-down list allows the for the categorization of the new service under a specific service group. This field is used strictly for clinic-reference.
- CPT/HCPCS code: The CPT/HCPCS-specific code for the service, e.g. 92557.
- Returnable: If this check box is selected, the service is able to be returned within Blueprint OMS. Otherwise, if the check box is un-checked for a service and a patient wishes to return an order containing this item, it does not appear in the cost allocation screen for the return.
- Insurer Specific: This option is available in the case that an insurer offers specific services available only to patients covered under that particular insurer. If you select this check box, you must also add insurer coverage for the service.
- Expense account: Indicates the expense account that will record the sale of this service. Note that many services are not recorded as an expense, so a service does not have to be associated with an expense account, purchase tax, and purchase cost.
- Income account: Indicates the income account that will record the sale of this service in QuickBooks. The income account is used for financial reporting purposes within Blueprint OMS.
- Tax on sales: Indicates whether a tax is applied when this service is sold to a patient. The drop-down list corresponds to tax codes in the Tax Code List in QuickBooks.
Selling price: Indicates the price of this service when sold to a client.
Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
- Click CREATE.
Editing services
- Click the Setup button on the main toolbar.
- Double-click Pricing & Insurer coverage, or click the icon to the left to expand the menu.
Click Services.
- In the Servicespanel, double-click on the desired service, or select the service and click EDIT DETAILS.
- In the Edit service details dialog box, edit the details as needed.
- Click UPDATE.
Deleting services
- Click the Setup button on the main toolbar.
- Double-click Pricing & Insurer coverage, or click the icon to the left to expand the menu.
Click Services.
- In the Services panel, double-click on the desired service, or select the service and click EDIT DETAILS.
- In the Edit service details dialog box, un-check the Active check box.
To reactivate a service, un-check the Show active items only check box at the top of the Services panel. Double-click on the deactivated service (indicated with a red X), or select the service and click EDIT DETAILS. Check the Active check box and click UPDATE.
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