Blackberry Phones

Blackberry Phones

Downloading instructions

First, to sync with Blackberry, download Google Sync and install it on the phone.

  1. Log into your Gmail account, and access your Google calendar.

  2. In Google Calendar, click the drop-down menu next to Other Calendars, and click Add by URL.

  3. Enter the unique iCal URL. You can find more information on the iCal URL here

  4. Click Add Calendar.

  5. Google will begin to sync your calendar, and it will appear on the screen.

  6. Optionally, click the drop-down menu next to the calendar listed under Other Calendars, and click Calendar Settings.

  7. Change the Calendar Name (e.g. Steven McDonald), and click Save.

  8. Your phone should automatically be set to sync with your Google calendar.

Second, verify that the new calendar is synchronized to your device:

  1. Click on Calendar.

  2. Click on Settings

  3. Click on Calendar Sync. You should see your Google account already listed.

  4. Ensure Auto-Sync is checked.

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