Enabling the CareCredit Integration (US Only)
This integration enables access to CareCredit's Integrated Services application within Blueprint OMS. This allows Blueprint OMS to capture CareCredit applications, payments, or refunds that are entered through the CareCredit web portal.
Setting up the integration
Click Setup on the main toolbar.
Click CareCredit.
Click Enable CareCredit integration.
Answer the question "Do multiple clinic locations use the same care credit merchant number?"
5. Enter all 16-digit CareCredit merchant numbers, if applicable. After entering each number, press Enter on your keyboard to lock in the entry – the number may not save otherwise.
6. Select which payment method will be used with this integration or create one by selecting <Create new> at the bottom of the list. If you choose to create a new payment method, you must also select the deposit and refund accounts for the new payment method. The new payment method will automatically be created in QuickBooks if linked.
7. Click Save.
Keep in mind
Accessing the CareCredit integration setup menu requires the privilege Maintain CareCredit config
If you do not enter a merchant number for one or more locations the CareCredit integration will not be enabled for those locations.
Using the integration
Apply for CareCredit or check the status of a previous application
Open a patient file or highlight a patient name in the patient browser
Click the Patient drop-down menu
Go to Launch CareCredit.
CareCredit will be opened in your web browser.
Click the icon on "Submit application or check status" under the Apply column.
You will then have the option to Submit a New Application or Check Application Status.
Select where the application will be processed: In the clinic or somewhere else. Click continue.
The patient's first name, last name, DOB, phone number, and address will auto-populate. Please fill out the other required fields:
Estimated Fee
Social Security Number or ITIN
Patient Housing Type (own or rent)
Monthly Net Income (from all sources)
Co-applicant (if needed)
9. Click Continue.
10. In the "Review & Submit" section, please review the information you provided. If everything is correct, check the checkbox to certify that the application information was provided by the applicant.
11. Enter the Application Revision Date.
12. Click Next.
13. The Result section will then display the application as Approved, Pending, or Declined.
Take payment using CareCredit
After the patient has been approved for CareCredit you can process a sale and take payment using CareCredit. For more information on how to create a sale (see: Selling hearing aids Selling batteries, accessories, and services, and Selling orderable items )
On the Patient browser tab, open the patient’s file.
Click the Sales history tab.
Right-click an open sale allocated to a patient, indicated by a warning icon within the Debit column.
Select Receive/apply payments.
Select CareCredit as the payment method.
Click Save.
7. CareCredit will be opened in your web browser to the "Purchase" page.
8. Enter one of the following pieces of information needed on the CareCredit portal:
Patient Account Number
Look Up Account by SSN & Zip
Look Up Account by Name & Phone number
Click Next.
10. On the ID & Financing section choose how you are going to identify the cardholder:
Driver's License
Green Card/Resident Alien
Government-issued ID
Military ID
State-issued ID
11. Choose your financing option and optionally enter a practice memo.
12. Click Submit Transaction
13. The receipt section will then display the payment as Complete or Denied.
14. Click the refresh button in Blueprint OMS so the payment can be applied to the sale.
If you close this dialog box before clicking "refresh" or click the "X" in the top right-hand corner, the payment will appear in the sales history but it will be unattached from the invoice. You will need to manually apply the payment by R-clicking the payment > apply payment credit > select the invoice.
15. If the payment is complete in the CareCredit portal, the patient will now have a CareCredit payment on file in Blueprint OMS.
Issue refund using CareCredit
If a patient has returned hearing aids after paying with CareCredit you can issue a refund back to their CareCredit account.
On the Patient browser tab, open the patient’s file.
Click the Sales history tab.
Process the return.
Issue refund.