Setting up locations

Setting up locations

Viewing the list of locations

  1. Click the Setup button on the main toolbar.

  2. Click Locations

Edit a location's settings 

A location-specific sending email address will take precedence over feature-specific ones.

  1. In the Locations panel, click on the desired location, and do one of the following:

    • Double-click.

    • Click EDIT DETAILS.

  2. In the Edit location dialog box, you can make the following adjustments:

    • Clinic address, telephone number, fax number, website URL, and email address. Merge fields used in forms and correspondence will populate this information based on the patient's assigned location.

    • Check the "Online booking enabled" checkbox to enable online appointment booking for this location or uncheck the box to disable online booking. You can adjust the location display name, location-specific sending email address and website URL. If you have the location's online booking iFrame embedded at a certain site, enter the URL so it can populate in marketing emails that you send using Blueprint OMS.

For clinics with multiple locations, a unique online booking URL and iFRAME HTML can be created for each location, allowing patients to bypass the “select location” step. Click copy URL and Copy iFrame html to send to your website designer.


    • Check the "Availability enabled" checkbox to enable availability scheduling for the location or uncheck this box to disable availability scheduling for the location. For more information, see: Scheduling availability. If you are using block scheduling, you will not want availability enabled.

    • Set a location-specific sending email address for online forms request and receipt emails, marketing emails, telehealth appointment invitation emails, and document emails.

  1. Click Update .



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