Setting up location-specific pricing

Setting up location-specific pricing


In cases where an item exists in Blueprint OMS, and your clinic's locations sell it at different prices, add location-specific pricing for the item. The process is the same for batteries, accessories, hearing aids, orderable items, and aid options.

Adding location-specific pricing

  1. Click the Setup button in the main toolbar.

  2. Expand Pricing & Insurer coverage menu and select the desired type of item for which to add location-specific pricing.

  3. In the right panel, select the desired item, and then, in the panel below, open the Location-specific pricing tab and click to add location-specific pricing.

  4. In the Add location-specific pricing dialog box, select the location from the Location drop-down menu, select whether there will be Tax on sales, enter a Selling price, and click Save.

After location-specific pricing has been added for an item, the appropriate pricing will appear on the Order items tab, according to the according to the location selected in the Location drop-down menu.

Editing location-specific pricing

  1. Click the Setup button on the main toolbar.

  2. Expand the Pricing & Insurer coverage menu and select the desired type of item for which to add location-specific pricing.

  3. In the right panel, select the desired item, and then, in the Location-specific pricing panel below, right-click on the desired location, and select Edit details.

  4. In the Edit location-specific pricing dialog box, adjust the details as needed, then click Update.

Deleting location-specific pricing

  1. Click the Setup button on the main toolbar.

  2. Expand the Pricing & Insurer coverage menu and select the desired type of item for which to add location-specific pricing.

  3. In the right panel, select the desired item, and then, in the Location-specific pricing panel below, right-click on the desired location, and select Delete.

  4. In the Confirm operation dialog box, click Yes to proceed.

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