Delivering orderable items
Delivering orderable items
- Olivia Burger (Unlicensed)
Owned by Olivia Burger (Unlicensed)
Oct 02, 2015
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Delivering orderable items
Delivering an item places it in 'Active' status
Locate a 'Received' (or 'Checked') item by doing one of the following:
- On the Patient browser tab, open the patient's file, and click the patient's Hearing aids tab.
- Click ORDERS on the main toolbar.
- Click on an item in 'Received' (or 'Checked') status.
Deliver the item by right-clicking the item and selecting Deliveritem.
Once all hearing aids on an order have been delivered, the Create invoice(s) screen appears. Make any necessary adjustments, see: Adjusting an order for more information.
Click the BACK button on the Cost allocation tab, to navigate to the Order items tab in order to add additional items to the sale.
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