Scanning documents

Scanning documents


These instructions apply for Windows users with a TWAIN-compliant scanner. We offer an alternate scanning mechanism for customers using a different OS or a non-TWAIN scanner. Please contact our technical support team to set that up.


Blueprint OMS Accommodates Documents up to 50MB in Size. This allows scanning more pages into a single document or using a higher scanning resolution.

Scanning documents into a patient file

  1. In a patient's Documents tab, click Scan.

  2. Select the scanner from the drop-down menu and click .

  3. Set the scanner preferences and complete the scan.

  4. When the scan is complete, the Add document dialog box will appear. In it, set the title and document category of the patient's new document. Optionally, add a description, add a document status, or set the document to display in the Audiology tab.

  5. Click Save.


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