Exchanging a set of hearing aids
Return the first set of hearing aids
To do so, go to the patient’s file
Open the patient’s hearing aids tab
Once in the hearing aids tab, right-click on the hearing aid and select Return to manufacturer or Return to stock
From the Return items screen, select the reason for return
Optionally, adjust any charges using the Price and Discount columns
Select Return items
If the hearing aids were already paid for, a message will pop up asking if you would like to issue the client a refund, select no. This will create a credit that can be applied to the sale of their next set of hearing aids
If no payments were made on the returned hearing aids, the return will be automatically applied to the sale
Order the second set of hearing aids and follow the order-receive-deliver process. Steps for this process can be found here.
Apply the return credit to the sale
Right-click on the return and select Apply payment/credit
In the apply payment/credit screen, select the sale that the credit will be applied to and click Apply
Exchanging a set of hearing aids