My Recalls

My Recalls

Assigning Recalls

  1. To assign recalls to a user do one of the following:
    • Go to the Recalls button on the main toolbar. Right click on the Recall and click Assign. Select a user from the list and click Ok.
    • Go to the My Recalls button on the main toolbar. Right click on the Recall and click Assign. Select a user from the list and click Ok.
    • Open a patient's file. Go to the Marketing tab. In the Recalls section, right click on the Recall and click Assign. Choose a user from the list and click Ok.

The red button icon next to My Recalls indicates how many recalls are assigned to you. To view them click on My Recalls.

Viewing the list of My Recalls

  1. Click the My Recalls button on the main toolbar. The My Recalls screen shows a list of patients due for recalls that are assigned to you along with patient Telephone numberRecall typeLocation, and Notes.

The  icon, in the Next appt. column, denotes patients with upcoming appointments booked on the schedule. For more information see: My Recalls#Booking an appointment or viewing the details of an existing appointment.

Filtering the list of My Recalls

  1. Click the My Recalls button on the main toolbar.
  2. On the My Recalls screen, do one or more of the following:
      • Click on a column name (e.g. Recall datePatient, Recall type) to sort the list of patients in ascending order. Click the column name again to sort the list of patients in descending order.
      • Use the Quick Find field at the top of the screen to type the first few letters of the patient's last name.
      • Click the Recall periodRecall type, and/or Location drop-down menus to filter the list of patients.
      • Check the Hide booked patients check box at the bottom of the screen to hide patients with upcoming appointments.

Managing time-sensitive or Action Required recalls

Certain recalls are time-sensitive and must be performed by a specific deadline.

  1. Click the My Recalls button on the main toolbar.
  2. View the following highlights on the Recalls screen for time-sensitive recalls:
  • The Recall date column text turns red if either of the following conditions are true: 
    • The recall is time-sensitive and is overdue.
    • The recall is time-sensitive and due within 7 days.
    • The recall is time-sensitive and due within the next 30 days, with no future appointment booked for the patient.
    • The recall has the 'Required' box checked.
  • The Next appt. column text turns red if the recall is time-sensitive, due within the next 30 days, and the next appointment is after the recall date or the 'Required' box is checked.
  • Go to the Recall Period filter and choose Action Required to filter for all red color coded recalls.

    A Required recall will appear in the Requires Action badge if it is marked Required, due within 7 days (or overdue), and the patient does not have an appointment scheduled within the next 30 days. Recalls which are not Required will never appear in the Requires Action badge.

Managing Overdue My Recalls

  1. Click on My Recalls to see recalls assigned to you and filter by Recall Period Overdue.

       2. To complete or cancel an overdue recall right-click the recall line item, and click Complete/Cancel.

       3. Within the Edit Recall dialog box, select an Outcome for the completion/cancellation. Select Appointment Booked/Completed or Client Cancelled and click Ok. The recall will be removed from the screen.

Adding recalls to My Recalls

  1. To add a recall to My Recalls, do one of the following:
    • Click the My Recalls button on the main toolbar. On the My Recalls screen, click the ADD RECALL button. Within the Select patients dialog box, select the desired patient, your user name will be defaulted as the Assignee.

    • Click the Recalls button on the main toolbar. On the Recalls screen, click the ADD RECALL button. Within the Select patients dialog box, select the desired patient, select your user name in the Assignee dropdown. 

      To quickly locate the patient, type the first few letters of the patient's last name.
    • On the Patient browser tab, click on the desired patient, click the Patient drop-down menu, and select Add recall and Assign it to your user name.
    • Open a Patient's file, go to the Marketing tab. In the Recalls section select Add recall and Assign it to your user name. 
  2. In the Add recall dialog box, click in the Recall date field to select a date,select the Recall Type from the drop down menu, and add any notes to the recall.

    Recall Types can be added/edit under the setup menu.
  3. Optionally check the 'Required' box to flag a recall as Action Required

  4. Click Ok.

Completing/cancelling recalls

  1. Click the My Recalls button on the main toolbar. 
  2. On the My Recalls screen, click on a desired recall line item. 
  3. Right-click the recall line item, and click Complete/Cancel.
  4. Within the Edit Recall dialog box, select an Outcome for the completion/cancellation. Select Appointment Booked/CompletedClient Cancelled, or Other and click Ok. The recall will be removed from the screen.
To complete recalls en masse, press and hold the Control key (Ctrl) on the keyboard while clicking the desired recalls. Right-click and choose an Outcome for the completion/cancellation, and click Ok.

Postponing recalls 

  1. Click the My Recalls button on the main toolbar. 
  2. On the My Recalls screen, click on a desired recall line item. 
  3. Right-click the recall line item, click Edit, click the  icon select a new recall date, and click Ok.
Required recalls, such as Loaned aid due, cannot be completed, cancelled, or postponed. This recall is automatically completed once the loaned aid is sold or returned to stock. See: Selling stock hearing aids or Returning loaned aids to stock for more information.

Viewing patient details

  1. Click the My Recalls button on the main toolbar. 
  2. On the My Recalls screen, click on a desired recall line item.
  3. Click the PATIENT DETAILS button at the bottom of the page to open the patient’s file.

Booking an appointment or viewing the details of an existing appointment 

  1. Click the My Recalls button on the main toolbar. 
  2. On the My Recalls screen, click on a desired recall line item.
  3. Right-click the recall line item, and do one of the following:

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