Creating appointments
Creating appointments
Aleem Sunderji
Katelyn Hennessey
Bridget Fritzke
Owned by Aleem Sunderji
There are several different ways of creating appointments, from different screens within Blueprint OMS.
Right-clicking on the schedule
- Click the Scheduling tab.
- On the schedule, find the desired day and time slot.
- Right-click in the desired time slot.
- Click on a starting 15-minute interval (e.g. 8:00, 8:15, 8:30, 8:45).
In the Select patient dialog box, click the desired patient, or None option at the top of the list, and click Next.
Use the Create event dialog box to enter appointment details.
Using the Appointment toolbar button
To create a new appointment click the Appointment button on the main toolbar.
In the Select patient dialog box, click the desired patient, or None option at the top of the list, and click Ok.
Use the Create event dialog box to enter appointment details.
Using the Orders toolbar button
- Click the Orders button on the main toolbar.
- On the Aid orders screen, right-click on an order.
Select Book appointment.
The Create event dialog box is automatically populated with the selected patient’s details. The appointment date and time are set to the current date and time by default.
Using the Recalls toolbar button
Click the Recalls button on the main toolbar.
On the Recalls screen, click on a desired recall line item.
Right-click the recall, and select Book appointment.
The Create event dialog box is automatically populated with the selected patient's details. The appointment date and time are set to the current date and time by default.
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