Setting selection criteria for manual marketing campaigns

Setting selection criteria for manual marketing campaigns


A campaign is defined by a filter, or combination of filters, used to target specific patients. A filter consists of various conditions, while each condition consists of the following three parts:

Description → Operator → Value

The Description is the field the filter is based on, the Operator is used to determine how to filter, and the Value is used to make the comparison.


The description specifies the field(s) that Blueprint OMS utilizes to make the filtering comparison. This includes information associated with patients such as age, address, insurer, as well as other information, like hearing aid manufacturer, patient grouping, and last aid purchase date. 

Primary Filters

Primary Filters

Field name


Data field

<All active clients>

Every active patient, not marked inactive nor deceased

Status in patient Details tab

<All active clients> + active QuickAdds

Every active patient and QuickAdd, not marked inactive nor deceased

Status in patient Details tab and Edit QuickAdd screen 

ADP Eligible now (Canada only)

Every patient who has invoices on file (with a portion allocated to ADP), 5 years old or older as of the current date.

Last purchase date (invoice date) of active aid

All active Quickadds 

Every active QuickAdd

Status in Edit QuickAdd screen

All clients (active, inactive, deceased, do not mail)

Every patient

Status in patient Details tab

All clients (active, inactive, deceased, do not mail) + all QuickAdds

Every patient and QuickAdd

Status in patient Details tab and Edit QuickAdd screen 


Type of appointment scheduled between a specified date range

Event type on Schedule

Battery sales

Sale of an item from batteries catalog

Sale in patient Sales History tab

Becoming ADP Eligible (Canada only)

Every patient who has invoices on file (with a portion allocated to ADP), within the specified date range.

Last purchase date (invoice date) of active aid

Birthday cards


DOB in patient Details tab

Hearing aids without service plans

Hearing aids on file that do not have a service plan added

Patient Hearing aids tab

Journal Entries

Journal entry type

Patient Journal tab

Last appointment (by type)

Type of appointment within a specified date range

Event type on Schedule

Last journal entry

Type of last journal entry

Patient Journal tab

Loss and damage letters

Date of loss and damage warranty expiration

L&D Warranty in patient Hearing aids tab

Loss and damage letters (with age condition)

Date of loss and damage warranty expiration on a hearing aid that was purchased before a specified date

L&D Warranty and purchase date in patient Hearing aids tab

Managed Care hearing aids

Most recent appointment

Most recent appointment before a specified date, regardless of any future appointment(s)

Event date on Schedule

Patient referral

Any patient referral added within a specified date range

Patient Marketing tab


Recall type within a specified date range

Recalls on the main toolbar

Service Plans

Service plan type that expires within a specified date range

Patient Hearing aids tab

Tested, not sold

Tested, with hearing loss specified (excludes patients with a normal hearing loss), and no hearing aid purchase on file (or hearing aids present on file over a specified age)

Assessment date and hearing severity in patient Audiology tab + purchase date of aids in patient Hearing aids tab

Warranty letters

Date of warranty expiration

Warranty expiry in patient Hearing aids tab

Warranty letters (with age condition)

Date of warranty expiration on a hearing aid that was purchased before a specified date

Warranty expiry and purchase date in patient Hearing aids tab

Warranty OR L&D combined letters

Date of warranty expiration or date of loss and damage warranty expiration

Warranty expiry or L&D Warranty in patient Hearing aids tab

Warranty OR L&D combined letters (with age condition)

Date of warranty expiration or date of loss and damage warranty expiration on a hearing aid that was purchased before a specified date

Warranty expiry or L&D Warranty and purchase date in patient Hearing aids tab

Patient Attributes

Age (months)

Age of patient

DOB in patient Details tab

Age (months) (include blank birthdate)

Age of patient + patients with blank DOB fields

DOB in patient Details tab

Age (weeks)

Age of patient

DOB in patient Details tab

Age (weeks) (include blank birthdate)

Age of patient + patients with blank DOB fields

DOB in patient Details tab

Age (years) 

Age of patient

DOB in patient Details tab

Age (years) (include blank birthdate)

Age of patient + patients with blank DOB fields

DOB in patient Details tab



Patient Details tab

Creation date

Created date of the patient file

Patient Journal Tab

Email address

Email address

Patient Details tab


Preferred language

Patient Marketing tab


Assigned location

Patient Details tab

OK to email

A patient is considered OK to mail if their Do not email checkbox is not checked

Patient Details tab

OK to mail

A patient is considered OK to mail if their Do not mail checkbox is not checked

Patient Details tab

OK to mail or email

A patient is considered OK to email their Do not mail and Do not email checkboxes are not both checked

Patient Details tab

Original referral source

Referral source selected when the patient file was created

Patient Marketing tab

Original referrer type

Referrer type selected when the patient file was created

Patient Marketing tab


Assigned provider

Patient Details tab


Is the patient a QuickAdd file

Patient Browser tab


Status of patient file

Patient Details tab



Patient Details tab

Telephone # (any)

Telephone (home, mobile, work)

Patient Details tab

Telephone # (home)

Telephone (home)

Patient Details tab

Telephone # (mobile)

Telephone (mobile)

Patient Details tab

Telephone # (work)

Telephone (work)

Patient Details tab

Zip/Postal code

Zip/Postal code

Patient Details tab

Additional Filters

3rd party payer

Patients with a specific insurer on file

An insurer in patient Insurers tab

3rd party payer NOT

Exclude patients with a specific insurer on file

An insurer in patient Insurers tab

Account Balance

Balance on patient file

Patient Summary and Sales history tab

Aid cost

Manufacturer cost from the vendor bill (if a bill is entered) otherwise it's the Manufacturer cost from Setup

Patient Hearing aids tab

Aid loss and damage expiration

Date of loss and damage warranty expiration

L&D Warranty in patient Hearing aids tab

Aid manufacturer

Hearing aid manufacturer of active aid

Model in patient Hearing aids tab

Aid manufacturer NOT

Exclude manufacturer

Model in patient Hearing aids tab

Aid model

Hearing aid model of active aid

Model in patient Hearing aids tab

Aid model name or imported description

Text string of hearing aid model, for active aid imported from previous OMS

Model in patient Hearing aids tab

Aid model name or imported description NOT

Exclude text string of hearing aid model, for active aid imported from previous OMS

Model in patient Hearing aids tab

Aid model NOT

Exclude model name

Model in patient Hearing aids tab

Aid price

Hearing aid price

Model in patient Hearing aids tab

Aid return date

Hearing aid return date range

Aid service plan expiration

Hearing aid service plan expiration date

Model in patient Hearing aids tab

Aid style

Hearing aid style of active aid

Style in patient Hearing aids tab

Aid technology

Hearing aid technology of active aid

Patient Hearing aids tab + Hearing aid catalog

Aid warranty expiration

Date of warranty expiration

Warranty expiry in patient Hearing aids tab

Appointment date

Appointment date

Event date on Schedule

Appointment date NOT

Exclude Appointment date

Event date on Schedule

Appointment type

Appointment type used to schedule patient

Event date on Schedule

Appointment type NOT

Exclude appointment type

Event date on Schedule

Hearing loss severity

Selected severity for last assessment on patient's file

Severity in patient Audiology tab

Hearing loss shape

Selected shape for last assessment on patient's file

Shape in patient Audiology tab

Hearing loss type

Selected type for last assessment on patient's file

Type in patient Audiology tab

ICD code

Selected ICD code for last assessment on patient's file

Diagnostic code(s) in patient Audiology tab

ICD code NOT

Exclude ICD code for last assessment on patient's file

Diagnostic code(s) in patient Audiology tab

Last aid purchase

Last purchase date (invoice date) of active aid

Purchase date in patient Hearing aids tab

Last aid purchase (MM-DD)

Month and day of last purchase date (invoice date) of active aid

Purchase date in patient Hearing aids tab

Last aid purchase before (OR never)

Last purchase date (invoice date) of active aid, including patients with no aids on file

Purchase date in patient Hearing aids tab

Last aid return (without subsequent HA purchase)

Last hearing aid returned on a patient file without a hearing aid purchase processed afterward

Patient Hearing aids tab

Last appointment

Last patient appointment date, excludes patients with upcoming appointment

Event date on Schedule

Last appointment before (OR never)

Last patient appointment date, including patients with no appointments ever scheduled

Event date on Schedule

Last assessment

Last assessment date

History date in patient Audiology tab

Last assessment before (OR never)

Last assessment date, including patients with no assessment date on file

History date in patient Audiology tab

Last marketing contact before (OR never)

Last contact history date, including patients with no contact history on file

Contact history in patient Marketing tab

Last marketing contact NOT

Exclude last contact history date(s)

Contact history in patient Marketing tab

Last purchase before (OR never)

Last purchase date (invoice date) of any sale on file, including patients with no sales history

Patient Sales History tab

Marketing contact NOT

Exclude marketing contact date(s)

Contact history in patient Marketing tab

Patient grouping

Patients in an assigned group

Grouping in patient Marketing tab

Patient grouping NOT

Exclude patients in an assigned group

Grouping in patient Marketing tab

Patient referral date

Patients referred by other patients within specified date range

Referrer type 'Patient' in patient Marketing tab

Patient type

Patient type(s)

Patient Audiology tab

Patient type NOT

Exclude patient type(s)

Patient Audiology tab

Quote date

Date of quote provided for hearing aid(s)

Patient Journal tab

Recall assignee

Patients with a recall assigned to a specific staff member

Recall assignee in Recalls on the main toolbar

Recall assignee NOT

Exclude patients with a recall assigned to a specific staff member

Recall assignee in Recalls on the main toolbar

Recall date

Patients with any type of recall within a specified date range

Recall date in Recalls on the main toolbar

Recall status

Patients with specific recall status

Recall date in Recalls on the main toolbar

Recall type

Patients with specific recall type

Recall type in Recalls on the main toolbar

Recall type NOT

Exclude patients with specific recall type

Recall type in Recalls on the main toolbar

Reference number

Reference #

Patient Details tab

Referral source

Referral source selected

Patient Marketing tab

Referral source NOT

Exclude referral source 

Patient Marketing tab

Referrer type

Referrer type selected 

Patient Marketing tab

Referrer type NOT

Exclude referrer type

Patient Marketing tab

Repair date

Date of delivery of repaired hearing aid(s)

Patient Sales History tab

Repair type

Patients with repaired aids of a specified type, which have been delivered

Patient Sales History tab



Patient Details tab


When specifying a condition in a filter, an operator must also be selected so Blueprint OMS understands how the filtering should be executed. Use any of the following operators:







Equal to 

Includes search results where the value is equal to the description.

For example, if the condition Age EQUAL TO 50 is specified under Patient attributes, the filter only includes patients who are currently 50 years of age.

Not equal to

Excludes all search results where the value is equal to the description.

For example, if the condition State NOT EQUAL TO MN is specified under Additional filters, the filter excludes all patients who live in the specified state.



Filters results based on numerical or alphabetical order, depending on the description field.

For example, if the condition Street BEFORE South is specified under Patient attributes, the filter only includes patients who have a street name that comes before 'South’ when organized alphabetically. Similarly, if the condition Last aid purchase AFTER 2012-01-01 is specified under Additional filters, then the filter only includes patients who have aids on file that were purchased after January 1, 2012.


Allows for comparisons based on part of a word or phrase.

For example, if the condition Street Name LIKE Fin is specified, the filter includes patients who live on a street that begins with 'Fin,’ such as Finch Avenue.

As another example, the condition Email address LIKE @gmail.com returns all patients with a gmail.com email address.

A period (.) acts as a wildcard. For example, the condition Home telephone# LIKE 952....... returns all patients in the area code '952.'

The vertical pipe|(Shift + \) will allow for multiple entries. For example, the condition City LIKE Minneapolis|Watertown returns all patients living in Minneapolis or Watertown.

Using brackets [] will include all characters within the brackets. For example, the condition Zip LIKE 5[56]... returns all patients with zip codes beginning with '55' and '56'.

A hyphen - can be used inside brackets [] to represent a range of characters. For example, the condition City LIKE C[a-e] returns all patients with cities that contain 'Ca', 'Cb', 'Cc', 'Cd', and 'Ce'.

A caret ^ can be used inside brackets [] to exclude results with those characters. For example, the condition Zip LIKE 5[^56]... returns all patients with zip codes that don't begin with '55' or '56'.

Note: the vertical pipe |, brackets [ ], hyphen -, nor caret ^ wild cards will not work with the condition Home telephone #.


Works like the equal to operator, except a range of values can be specified. This operator is useful in selecting patient groups as a filter.

For example, under Additional filters, selecting Patient grouping as the description, IN as the operator, and double-clicking in the value field retrieves a list of possible groups to include (hold the Ctrl key on the keyboard while clicking the desired options). Once you have selected the groups to include, click the Ok button to set the entire range as the value. As a sample resulting formula, Client grouping IN [Battery club, Homebound] includes patients who are members of either 'Battery club' group or 'Homebound' group.


Filters results based on date range.

For example, if the condition Aid return date BETWEEN 2014-07-01 AND 2014-07-31 is specified under Additional filters, the filter only includes patients who have returned a hearing aid in the month of July 2014.


Be aware of the following value guidelines:

  • A value can be a date, number, name, or range depending on the specified description and operator.

  • When making date comparisons, the date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format.

  • When making value comparisons using operators, all values are case-sensitive, which means that Street = main does not return the same results as Street = Main, as the former condition has the word 'Main' capitalized.

Once saved, a filter can be removed by selecting it and clicking the Delete key on the keyboard.

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