Installing Blueprint OMS
Overview of installing Blueprint OMS
There are two mechanisms for installing Blueprint OMS: a native Windows installer (available as of version 2.8) and Java Web Start. The following sections provide detailed installation instructions for each mechanism.
Native Windows installer (v2.8+)
The native Windows installer is an executable (.EXE) file that can be run to install Blueprint OMS on your computer. Below are its advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages | Disadvantages |
Java Web Start
Java Web Start allows you to download and run Java applications from the web. It requires that Java be installed on your computer first. More details can be found here. Blueprint OMS can be installed via Java Web Start by running the provided launch link (.JNLP) file in a web browser. Below are its advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages | Disadvantages |
Restricting database access to specific IP addresses
Access to Blueprint OMS can be restricted to specific, designated IP addresses only. As an example, you can allow access to your Blueprint OMS from only IP addresses originating from within your office. All other attempts to connect to your Blueprint OMS, outside of the specific IP addresses your designate, will be rejected.
Requests for access restrictions to your Blueprint OMS database can be made by the Owner by emailing the allowed IP addresses to