Ordering stock hearing aids and orderable items

Ordering stock hearing aids and orderable items

The Order/receive stock user privilege is required to order stock hearing aids and orderable items.

Ordering stock hearing aids and items

  1. Select Inventory
  2. Choose the Order stock option
  3. Select the Manufacturer from the drop down option.  The Order stock items screen will then appear.
  4. Select the model by highlighting it and then clicking Ok.  The model name will then appear in the Stock items box within the Order stock tab.

    To add a second model name, double click in the Model column under the first model name.  The Order stock item box should appear.

  5. Click Save. The Confirm operation box will appear and ask if you would like to print the manufacturer order form.
    1. To generate the Purchase order, click yes

    2. To close the Order tab without viewing the Purchase orderclick No.

On the top toolbar, select Inventory then Manage Inventory and select the Stock orders tab to view all stock orders that have yet to be received.
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