The appointments in the scheduling system can be filtered to display a specific subset. Selecting a clinic (from the drop-down list on the scheduling toolbar) will display only the appointments for that clinic.
The filtering panel is located in the upper left area of the scheduling screen, and allows you to filter appointments by:
To display appointments for specific practitioners only, follow these steps:
- Choose to filter by People using the Filter by drop-down selection box
- Check the check box beside the provider whose appointments you would like to see, and uncheck the others
Filtering by resource

To display appointments for selected resources only, repeat the steps in Filtering by provider, selecting Resources in step 1 instead of People.
Filtering by appointment type

To display appointments for selected resources only, repeat the steps in Filtering by provider, selecting Event type in step 1 instead of People.
If you just want to color code the appointments by appointment type, but keep the filtering by provider or resource, use the Color by appointment type check box instead.
Filtering by appointment status

To filter appointments by status, select one of the options from the Status drop-down selection box. This will display only appointments which match the chosen status. The appointment status filter is applied in addition to other filters (e.g. clinic, provider). Selecting <Any> will display all appointments matching the other filters, regardless of appointment status.