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Editing appointment details

  1. Click In the Scheduling tab.On the Scheduling screen, do one of the following:
  2. Double-click an appointment.
  3. Right-click an appointment, and , right-click on the appointment select Edit details.
  4. In the The Edit event details  dialog dialog box will appear. In it, update the details as needed.
  5. Do one of the following:Click  To save the changes, click 
    Update event
    to save the changes.Click Statustitlecancel to disregard changes.


In the Scheduling tab, right-click on the appointment, select reschedule.

Image Added


 The rescheduling option will be visible if the appointment is today or in the past. It will be greyed out if the appointment has the status: arrived, in progress, or completed and if the time slot is in the future. 

Changing appointment status
Changing appointment status
Changing appointment status

Click the

In the Scheduling tab

.On the Scheduling screen




an appointment

on the appointment, select Change status, and


from the Change status

.Click on the desired

menu, set the new status.

Image Added

To hide the appointment status icons, click the 
button at the top of the screen.




  1. Click In the Scheduling tab.On the Scheduling screen, right, right-click an the appointment, select Change status, and click Cancelledset Cancelled as the new status. 
  2. A prompt will ask if rescheduling is required. 
    Image Added
    Do one of the following:
    Image Removed
    1. Click Yes. The appointment will appear under the <Active> filtered screen in white, with a colored outline, as a visual indicator that another appointment can be schedule at that time. The appointment will be added to
    the "Action required" panel
    1. the Needs action panel.
    2. Click No. The appointment will appear under the <Inactive> filtered screen in white, and no reminder will be sent to the

    "Action required"
    1. Needs action panel.

    Cancelled appointments will appear under the <Cancelled> filtered screen, regardless of whether rescheduling is required.
Marking appointment

Marking appointments No show

  1. Click In the Scheduling tab.On the Scheduling screen, right, right-click an the appointment, select Change status, and click No showset No show as the new status. 
  2. A prompt will ask if rescheduling is required.
    Image Added
    Do one of the following:
    Image Removed
    1. Click Yes. The appointment will appear under the <Active> filtered screen in white, with a colored outline, as a visual indicator that another appointment can be schedule at that time. The appointment will be added to
    the "Action required" panel
    1. the Needs Actions panel.
    2. Click No. The appointment will appear under the <Inactive> filtered screen in white, and no reminder will be sent to the

    "Action required"
    1. Needs action panel.

    No show appointments will appear under the <No show> filtered screen, regardless of whether rescheduling is required.
    1. The No show
    percentage will
    1. rate will appear on the patient's Summary screen.

Editing appointment date and time

  1. Click In the Scheduling tab.On the Scheduling screen, do one of the following:
    1. Use the mouse to drag-and-drop an appointment to the desired date and time.
    2. Double-click an appointment. In the Edit event details dialog box, use the Date and Start time arrows to adjust as necessary, and click

      titleupdate event

      See: Setting date, time, and duration for more information.
    In the

  2. The Confirm operation dialog box , do one of the following:
    • Click Yes to save the changes.
    • Click No to disregard changes.
    will appear. Click 
     to confirm the operation.

Editing appointment duration

  1. Click the Scheduling tab.
  2. On the Scheduling screen, do one of the following:
    • Hover the cursor over the top or bottom boundary of an appointment, and use the resize cursor to drag -and-drop the appointment boundary to the desired start or end time.
    • Double-click an appointment. In the Edit event details dialog box, hover the cursor over the top or bottom boundary of the yellow highlighted appointment in the right preview panel, and use the resize cursor to drag-and-drop the appointment to the desired start or end time.

    • Double-click an appointment. In the Edit event details dialog box, use the Duration slider bar to adjust as necessary, and click

      titleupdate event

      See: Setting date, time, and duration for more information.

  3. In the The Confirm operation dialog box , do one of the following:
  4. Click Yes to save the changes.
  5. Click No to disregard changeswill appear. Click 
     to confirm the operation.

Editing repeating appointments
Editing repeating appointments
Editing repeating appointments


Repeating appointments , which are linked to a patient file, are created as individual instances. Adjust patient-specific , repeating appointments on an individual basis. 

  1. Click In the Scheduling tab.On the Scheduling screen, do one of the following:
    1. Double-click an instance of a repeating appointment.
    2. Right-click an instance of a repeating appointment, and select Edit details.
  1. In the Edit event details dialog box, update the details as necessary.
  2. Click
    titleupdate event
  3. In the Confirm operation dialog box, do one of the following:
    1. Use the drop-down menu to select This instance only. Click OK to update only the one instance of the appointment being edited.

If adjusting provider, location, or event type, and selecting This instance only, the specific appointment is no longer
part of the repeating series.

                b. Use the drop-down menu to select All instances. Click OK to update all instances of the appointment.

Selecting All instances will completely remove all previous appointments in the series, and re-create the series using the start date of the instance being edited.

                     i. Use the drop-down menu to select This and prior instances and click OK to update the instance of the event that was selected and all previous instances of the event.

                     ii. Use the drop-down menu to select This and future instances and click OK to update the instance of the event that was selected and all future instances of the event

to disregard changes


Changing repeat patterns

  1. Click In the Scheduling tab.On the Scheduling screen, do one of the following:

    • Double-click an instance of a repeating appointment.
    • Right-click an instance of a repeating appointment, and select Edit details.
  2. Click
    titleChange repeat detailsEdit
     (next to Repeat).
  3. In the Edit repetition details dialog box, adjust the repeat pattern as needed, and click


    See: Creating repeating appointments for more information.

    4. Click

    titleupdate event

    5. In the Confirm operation dialog box, do one of the following: 
    1. Use the drop-down menu to select This instance only. Click OK to update only the one instance of the appointment being edited.

If adjusting provider, location, or event type, and selecting This instance only, the specific appointment is no longer a part of the repeating series.

                b. Use the drop-down menu to select All instances. Click OK to update all instances of the appointment.

Selecting All instances will completely remove all previous appointments in the series, and re-create the series using the start date of the instance being edited.

                    i. Use the drop-down menu to select This and prior instances and click OK to update the instance of the event that was selected and all previous instances of the event.

                    ii. Use the drop-down menu to select This and future instances and click OK to update the instance of the event that was selected and all future instances of the event

to disregard changes


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