Third party credits and overpayments (non-claims tracking)

Third party credits and overpayments (non-claims tracking)

Blueprint OMS introduced a new solution for US customers, called Claims Tracking, which incorporates an added layer of automation. This enhancement minimizes the need for manual adjustments and invoicing, streamlining the bill reconciliation process. 

Applying third party credits

When returning an item that insurance has paid for, there will be a credit for the return.  If the item has not been paid for, you will have the option to apply the credit to the original sale or to have the credit remain on the return.

  1. Navigate to the third party ledger and find a credit with an open balance.

  2. Right-click on the credit and select Apply payment/credit.

  3. In the Apply payment/credit screen, select the invoice that you will be applying the credit to.

  4. Select Apply.

Third party overpayments

  1. Navigate to the Enter 3rd party payment screen.

  2. Enter the full amount of the check.

  3. Apply the portion of the payment for the items on the invoice by clicking the box next to the invoice.


  4. At a later time, the remaining amount can be refunded or applied to another invoice.

    1. For instructions on how to refund the amount, click here.

    2. For instructions on how to apply the payment to another invoice, see Applying third party payments.



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