See: Emailing documents and Faxing documents for additional document options.

Upload documents

  1. In the patient's Documents tab, click the  button and select the file you wish to upload. Alternatively, drag-and-drop a file into the Documents pane.
  2. The Add document dialog will appear. In it, set the title, the document category, and optionally the other settings as well.
  3. Click .

Viewing documents

In a patient's Documents tab, right-click on the document and select View. Alternatively, double-click on the document. A view of the document will open in a new tab.

When viewing a document, use the tool bar at the top of the screen to save, print, search, zoom, or rotate.

Printing documents

  1. In the patient's Documents tab, right-click on the document and select Print.
  2. Confirm the printing settings and complete the print.

Editing a document's title, category, status, description, or Display in audiology status

  1. In the patient's Documents tab, right-click on the document and select Properties.
  2. The Edit document properties dialog will appear. In it, make any changes needed.
  3. Click

Document categories can be configured at Setup > Documents > Categories.

Changing document status

In a patient's Documents tab, right-click on the document, select Change status, and select a new status from the Change status sub-menu.

Document statuses can be configured at Setup > Document > Status.

Downloading documents

  1. In the patient's Documents tab, right-click on the document and select Download copy.
  2. The Save dialog will appear. In it, choose a place to save the file, and name the file.

  3. Click .

Deleting documents

  1. In the patient's Documents tab, right-click on the document and select Delete.
  2. The Confirm operation dialog box will appear. Click  to confirm the operation.