If the request is being sent via email and the patient or QuickAdd has a primary alternate contact, the email will go to the alternate contact's email address and be addressed to the alternate contact.
journal entries created when requests are:
check the rest
Creating a request in connection to an appointment
Appointments created by Blueprint OMS users
Create an appointment as you normally would.
If the appointment type has associated forms, you will be prompted to send forms upon saving the appointment.
If the appointment is for none patient, you'll need a recipient first name, last name, email address.
If the appointment type has no associated forms, you can still send forms in connection to it, but none will be pre-selected in the menu.
If an appointment on the calendar has forms sent in connection to it, there will be a "view forms" menu option, and the names of the forms will appear in the third column in the panel.
There is the option to send the request to a tablet, provided one is set up at your location.
Tablet menu options depend on (test)
Appointments created by the online booking system
This use case will be invoked when a patient verifies their online booking and email address, AND:
The appointment type has one or more associated forms which:
Isn't already included in an Incomplete forms Envelope for the patient
Isn't a Permanent form that has already been completed by the patient (i.e. a privacy consent form)
Creating a request from the Patient drop-down menu
With a patient selected, go to Patient > Send online forms.
There is the option to send the request to a tablet, provided one is set up at your location.
Tablet menu options depend on (test)
Creating a request from the online forms panel
Online forms > Create request
Not associated with a patient but may be attached to a patient after receiving it back
There is the option to send the request to a tablet, provided one is set up at your location.
Tablet menu options depend on the state of the location filter when you hit Create request.