Blueprint Solution's enhanced email editor puts the power of customization in your hands. With graphic-based email marketing templates, you can create captivating designs that will grab your audience's attention from the moment they open your email. Whether you want to personalize headers and footers, seamlessly add images and buttons, or shape the layout to match your vision, the possibilities are endless.
Viewing marketing email templates
Access the list of marketing email templates by navigating to Setup > Marketing > Email.
Gain visibility into the following key components:
Sending email address: This is the sending email address for all marketing email campaigns. By changing this email address, you will also be changing the email address for marketing automation.
Quick Find Search: This tool can be used to easily find the campaign you're looking for
Language drop-down menu: This tool allows you to filter campaigns by translation
The table of templates includes:
Template name
Template translations
Header and footer templates
Details of the template's most recent modification (date, time, and user)
Creating a new marketing email template
Navigate to Setup > Marketing > Email and select Create new. Then, follow these steps:
Give the template a unique name
Click Save
Editing translations
Defaulting to your system's language, the editor offers extensive translation editing capabilities. Hover over the language and select the paper + pencil icon to modify the translation. Optionally, specify the desired subject line for the email. Select "Click to add a new translation" to introduce a new language template if necessary.
Optionally, select 'Click to add a new translation' if you wish to add a new language template.
Launching the template editor
Activate the template editor by selecting the envelope + pencil icon. This action opens the Online Email Editor in a new browser window. Unleash your creativity and customize the email template with the following comprehensive set of features:
Clinic logo
Optionally, add blocks and further customize the body of the email. By editing the body you can modify the following:
To learn more about utilizing the online email editor, check out these helpful video tutorials:
Once you have customized the template as desired, select Save within the online email editor. You should receive a confirmation dialog indicating that the email translation has been successfully saved.
Duplicating templates
If there is an existing translation that you'd like to duplicate click the two-page icon. Duplicating a template is beneficial in cases where you want to keep the template layout the same, but need to modify the text to serve a different language. Upon clicking the duplicate icon, the online email editor will launch a new window in your browser.
Previewing templates
To preview a template, select the globe icon. Doing so will launch a new window in your browser to view, but not edit the template.
Deleting translations
To delete a translation, select the paper + X icon.
Note: You cannot delete the default translation. Please create a new default before deleting this one.